Number 1 |
In This Issue:
• Preview of
Quarterly Meetings,
Feb. 28 - March 1 2005
in San Francisco
pgs. 1-2
Save the Date:
OSS 2005 to be held
Sept. 12-14,
in San Francisco
Tests for Archive Media
with NIST and ANSI,
page 2.
• Nano-Optics:
Applications for Optical
Pick-up Units, pg. 4.
• MPV Broadcast
Profile, pg. 5
Specification, pg. 6
First Digital Camera
Plugfest, pg. 6 – 7
• Photo Highlights
from OSS 2004,
pg. 8
• On the Horizon,
David Bunzel, OSTA
p. 9
OSTA Quarterly
Meeting Preview
MPV Committee
MPV Committee Broadcast Television Profile
Approved; Vote on
Interoperability Specs and Work on Additional Profiles
Will Be
Focus of Two-day Meeting, Feb. 28-March 1
OSTA’s MPV™ (MusicPhotoVideo™)
Committee will hold a two-day quarterly meeting, Feb. 28 and March
1, in San Francisco to allow additional time for the development of
the specifications in progress. Action items for this session include
formal adoption of the MPV Interoperability Specification, version
1.0; continued development by the working groups of the Camera Profile,
Portable Storage Profile and Print Profile. The MPV Interoperability
Specification, v 1.0 candidate is currently posted on the MPV website
for member review and a summary can be found on page 6..
OSTA’s MPV Committee has also approved and introduced the Broadcast
Television Profile, (see page 5) a new standard that sets a benchmark
for the exchange of descriptive program content and increases compatibility
between consumer electronics (CE) products, enabling consumers to easily
access program information recorded on digital video recorders (DVRs).
The Camera, Portable Storage and Print Profiles underway will further
extend the range of devices that support the MPV spec. The general
MPV Committee meeting and working group sessions will be held on Feb.
28 and March 1st at the Embassy Suites in SF.
Marketing Committee
March Meeting to Define Sessions for OSS 2005; Special
Presentation on Nano-Technology for Optical Storage
March 1 during OSTA’s next quarterly
meeting, to help refine themes, sessions and multiple tracks planned
this year at OSTA’s fourth annual Optical Storage Symposium. One
track will address issues related to Commercial Optical Storage Applications,
focusing on archival data storage, with sessions on archive compliance
requirements and standards, and how optical storage fits into the overall
data archival picture. A second track will explore advanced technologies,
competing storage solutions and issues related to storage and data interoperability
for Digital Home applications. OSS 2005 is scheduled for Sept. 12-14
at the Embassy Suites Hotel in South San Francisco.
In addition to OSS 2005 planning, a special technology presentation is
planned on Nano-Optics. Find out how nanotechnology applies to optical
storage and may make optical pickup units smaller, better and cheaper.
For details on the presentation, planned for 3:30 p.m., see page 4.
A complete schedule for the quarterly OSTA meetings
to be held Feb. 28- March 2 can be found on the web at
COSA is developing a
Media Life
Expectancy Test in
conjunction with
A second test,
Verification and
Monitoring of Data on
Media, is
being developed with
ANSI to help users
test whether data
already archived to a
disc is still safe, or if
it should be copied.
Blue Laser Technology Committee Forming
The OSTA Board of Directors has
authorized the creation of a new "ad hoc" committee to address
the growing amount of industry activity in blue laser technology based
optical recording. Bob Zollo, OSTA Vice Chairman, is chairing this
initiative pending appointment of a permanent committee chair.
The purpose of this committee is to provide OSTA members with a forum
that focuses on the growing number of blue laser based technologies
and issues that impact our industry.
Proposed functions include:
1. Publish a comprehensive
roadmap of all blue laser technologies and stake holders to provide
an OSTA overview of industry activity.
2. Publish FAQ's on blue laser technologies, related consortiums,
and commercialized product categories to aid OSTA members and the
editorial community in understanding how this important new optical
technology is positioned relative to current optical recording technologies.
3. Provide a forum for blue laser product
vendors and technology consortiums to inform OSTA members on their
activities, products and plans.
Anyone interested in participating
please contact Bob
Zollo,: infoostaorg
COSA Committee
Tests Being Developed
with NIST and ANSI for Archive Media
The archive and compliance storage
market is one of the fastest growing segments in the storage industry,
being driven by many new regulations worldwide. To help promote optical
storage for archive applications, OSTA’s Commercial Optical Storage
Applications (COSA) Committee, in conjunction with the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI), is developing two media tests to assist archival
users. The Media Life Expectancy Test will validate certain optical
media for long-term use for archival storage. A second test under development,
called Verification and Monitoring of Data on Optical Media, can be
run on optical media by the user or technician after data is written
to it to verify how the data is doing and whether or not it needs to
be copied to another disk.
The COSA committee meeting is planned for 1:00PM - 5:00PM on Monday,
February 28th, at the Embassy Suites Hotel in South San Francisco.
The committee will recap progress on the Media Life Expectancy Test,
and form a working group for a second test for Verification and Monitoring
of Data on Optical Media.
Fred Byers, from NIST, will discuss test data requirements for the
Media Life Expectancy Test and finalize input from media suppliers.
From this data, and any related discussions, he can then move forward
to complete a proposed test paper to circulate for review.
For more information
on the activities of
OSTA’s Commercial
Optical Storage
committee, visit
White papers
and case
studies on archival
storage are available on
- Army Optical
- CD Series Libraries
- Southwest Oncology
- Trustworthy Optical
- Optical Discs for
Presentations by Fred
Byers, NIST
on Optical
Media Grade
Measurement Tests are
also available.
The resulting test will be a shortened version of the current
ISO test that deals with media life expectancy. The goal of this work
is to come up with a new test that media manufacturers will support
and use, then work with ISO to make it the media life test. The end
result would be some sort of sticker from NIST or OSTA signifying that
the media has been through the test, which would sample media that
is suited for archive applications.
Robert Blatt, ANSI/AIIM C21 Committee Chair will also attend the upcoming
COSA meeting to provide ANSI/ISO project updates and lead an interactive
discussion on ISO standards in process, including ISO Optical – Verification
and Monitoring of Data on Optical Media, and the status of ANSI/AIIM
TR 41 Optical Storage Technology TR Status. He will discuss suggested
new ANSI/AIIM projects, upcoming meetings, and how COSA members can
participate in ANSI/ISO activities.
All members of the OSTA COSA group are highly encouraged to participate
in these discussions and share their thoughts on how to best share
optical technology information with end-users and organizations through
the standards program and COSA Marketing efforts.
Additional agenda items for the COSA meeting are new white papers to
post, and planning the COSA track at OSS 2005. For more details on
COSA’s activity, read on.
The COSA Committee includes members committed to being the global authority
and information repository on optical data archival systems, applications,
and solutions for regulatory markets that dictate long-term storage
in a non-alterable format.
COSA evolved from the High Performance Technical Committee as a marketing
and educational group to address the need for compliance storage products
in the light of emerging new requirements in regulated industries such
as Government, Medical, Financial and Legal.
COSA is helping manufactures to identify and address the needs of compliant,
removable, non-alterable storage products such as optical drives and
libraries. Optical technology vendors recognize the need to create
a strong organized approach to introduce products that meet critical
business needs and to educate technical resellers and service providers.
COSA’s charter is to promote storage solutions that incorporate
optical storage technology to meet the growing need for regulatory
compliance with regards to long-term data retention and/or in a non-alterable
format; provide education and information about compliance storage
technologies to the industry, resellers and end user customers; explain
how these technologies operate; define the integration process that
enables its use, and provide growth and development in markets for
automated storage technology.
Information on implemented solutions in various
regulatory vertical markets such as Government, Medical, Financial
and Legal can be found in the COSA section of OSTA’s website,
along with white papers on data retention requirements and technical
Dr. Hubert Kostal
Vice-President for
and Sales,
NanoOpto Corp. will
present an overview
of nano-optics and
their applications in
optical storage at the
OSTA quarterly
Presentation March 1st
at 3:30pm.
This nano-scale,
waveplate has
entertainment, mobile
systems and computing.
The new technology
increases compactness,
improves reliability,
reduces assembly
and simplifies the design
of DVD/CD read/write
combination drives.
Nano-optics: Smaller. Better. Cheaper.
Novel Applications for Optical
Nano-optics are a new class of optical devices
that take advantage of the unique physical behaviors observed when
light shines through materials formed into nano-meter scale structures.
These principles, which apply to any wavelength range, can be used
to build discrete and integrated optics that exhibit smaller form factors,
better performance, and greater robustness than many traditional optical
For optical pick-up units (OPUs), nano-optic devices can replace waveplates
(shown below) and polarization beam splitters, either individually
or in combination. These devices have advantages: ease of assembly,
improved performance, improved environmental robustness, and size reduction
for a number of OPU architectures and applications. Because nano-optics
can be designed for any wavelength and to support broad wavelength
ranges, they can be applied to standard CD and DVD drives, combo drives,
and HD-DVD/Blu-Ray drives.
In a presentation to the OSTA Marketing Committee, Dr. Hubert
Kostal, Vice-President for Marketing and Sales at NanoOpto Corp., will
provide a short overview of nano-optics, the principles that they are
based on, their application to OPUs, the improvements in assembly and
performance they enable, and new developments and technology directions.
Dr. Kostal is a 17-year telecommunications industry veteran, working
for both startups and established companies. At NanoOpto, he is responsible
for introducing the first commercial products based on nanotechnology
to the communications industry. Dr. Kostal’s talk is scheduled
for 3:30 p.m. on March 1, at the Embassy Suites Hotel in San Francisco,
as part of the Feb/ March OSTA quarterly meeting.
Broadcast TV Profile
New Profile Now Available to CE Industry Allows
for Easier Transport of TV Show Description Data in DVRs
has approved and introduced the MPV™ (MusicPhotoVideo™)
Broadcast Television Profile, a new standard that sets a benchmark
for the exchange of descriptive program content and increases compatibility
between consumer electronics (CE) products. The intent of the Broadcast
Television Profile is to enable consumers to easily access program
information recorded on digital video recorders (DVRs) equipped to
use the Profile metadata, thus enhancing their digital consumer electronics
OSTA’s 53 member and associate companies, which include consumer
electronics manufacturers and technology developers, created the MPV
Broadcast Television Profile under the direction of development group
chair, Gemstar-TV Guide International, Inc. (NASDAQ: GMST), the leading
provider of television information and guidance. The MPV Broadcast
Television Profile has been approved by OSTA members and is currently
available to the industry for download via the OSTA website at www.osta.org/mpv.
“The release of the MPV Broadcast Television Profile is a
significant milestone in providing consumers with an outstanding
entertainment experience,” said Felix Nemirovsky, chairman
of the MPV Committee for OSTA. “With the growing popularity
of DVR products in the marketplace, users need methods for better
managing their recorded video content. We were able to design a
consistent method for describing recorded programming, enabling
exciting new applications for users to view, edit, archive, and
further manipulate their rapidly growing libraries of television
Added Eric Shalkey, director, Engineering, Personal Video Recording
for TV Guide On Screen, Gemstar-TV Guide’s IPG for consumer electronics, “With
this new ability to offer standardized broadcast TV show description
data, consumer electronics manufacturers will add significant value
to their products by allowing for greater product flexibility and the
richest television description experience available to consumers to
date. As the leading provider of interactive program guides to both
the CE and cable industries, as well as quality metadata through a
variety of platforms, Gemstar-TV Guide is uniquely positioned at the
center of all these products and technologies to help drive the evolution
of metadata standards. We’re very excited to be the voice for
OSTA on this project and share this accomplishment with its members.”
Developed by OSTA, MPV is a standard for accessing and exchanging collections
of digital music, photos, and videos among consumer electronics devices
and PCs on CDs, DVDs, memory cards, hard disks, home networks, and
across the internet. Using MPV, OSTA companies have implemented models
for music, digital cameras, and DVD technology. The Broadcast Television
Profile, the latest extension of the MPV paradigm, will serve as the
basis of next generation DVRs and personal computer software solutions.
The objective of the
Specification is to
make consistent
MPV playlist
writing, reading and
playback to ensure
between devices
that conform to the
MPV Interoperability Specification
Adoption Planned at Feb. 28 MPV Committee Meeting
The MPV Interoperability Specification, v 1.0
candidate is currently posted on the MPV website, and formal adoption
is planned during the Feb. 28 quarterly MPV Committee meeting.
The MPV Interoperability Specification makes use of existing MPV specifications
([MPVCore], [MPVBasic], [MPVPresentation], [MPVMusic]) and combines
them with additional specific requirements to define tightly the usage
of these MPV profiles to guarantee interoperability between devices
and applications that conform to the MPV Interoperability Specification.
The MPV Interoperability Specification introduces no new schema or
metadata. The entire MPV Interoperability Specification consists of
practices that dictate how the other MPV specifications are used.
The objective of the MPV Interoperability Specification is to make
consistent MPV playlist writing, reading, and playback. Notably, this
is achieved in some cases by overriding or limiting the use of certain
aspects of the referenced MPV specifications, where their capabilities
are too broad, to imprecise, or otherwise unsuitable for broad implementation
across a full range of applications and devices, including those with
limited capacities, such as limited RAM and Flash ROM memory and CPU
and I/O performance. These limitations and consistent practices enable
writers and readers to be highly interoperable, enabling consumers
to expect and experience compatibility and interoperability of MPV
First Digital Camera Plugfest
Completed at OSS 2004
Event Demonstrated Need for Better Digital
Image Compatibility Specifications
OSTA’s MPV Committee hosted its first Digital
Camera Plugfest at OSS 2004 in San Francisco last October. Plugfest
participants included 14 manufacturers representing a diverse range
of digital cameras, TVs, photo management software, portable media
platforms, DVD players and other devices that take, manipulate or playback
digital images.
event was held as a first step in improving digital photo compatibility
standards. Current compatibility standards are not robust enough
to meet consumer needs in this high-growth market. In 2004, more
than 300 million digital photo capture products were sold, and
not all of these were digital cameras. New connectivity modes,
outside of the traditional PC environment, have emerged, including
USB OTG (device to device), wireless networking, and myriad
Goals of the Digital
Camera Plugfest:
1) Compatibility
Testing Forum for:
Digital Still Cameras
- Photo
- Personal/Portable Media
- AC-powered Media
Players – DVD
and STB
- Portable Storage and
Card Readers
- Photo Phones
- Printers
2) Forum for
- Twice yearly
opportunity to discuss
3) Opportunity for
OSTA’s first Digital
Camera Plugfest was
well attended and
provided an opportunity
to test
compatibility and
transfer of digital
images among a wide
variety of
software, storage and
rendering devices
forms of removable, HDD, and optical storage. The
existing DCF standard is targeted only at digital cameras, EXIF provides
limited metadata capabilities, and the PASS Initiative from Kodak, Fuji
and Konica-Minolta targets a compatibility standard, but does not address
all aspects. Collections and slideshows are in need of an industry standard.
OSTA’s first Digital Camera Plugfest was attended by Aiptek (cameras),
Casio (cameras), Epson (Livingstation TV), HP (cameras and software), IDS
(Portable Optical and HDD Player Products), iRiver (portable media player
and camera), Kodak (cameras), Olympus (cameras), PortalPlayer (portable
media player platform), Software Architects, Inc. (test software), Tatung
(cameras), Thomson/RCA (portable media player and DVD player) and Trace
Nemirovsky, MPV Committee Chair (shown at right) presented initial results
that showed a need for continued Plugfest activity. Significant problems
exist with about 20 percent incompatibility in rudimentary connectivity
and transfer of photos, and about 80 percent incompatibility in transfer
of overall experience, such as the ability to play slideshows or albums.
There are a number of parallel activities from other organizations that
seek similar results, but there is not another practical plugfest at this
All attendees agreed to future plugfests, targeting two per year, with
one in the U.S. and the other in Japan. The goals of the future Digital
Camera Plugfest are 1) to provide a twice-yearly forum for compatibility
between new products including digital still cameras, photo management
software, personal/portable media players, AC-powered digital media players
including DVD players and set-top boxes, portable storage and card readers,
photo phones and printers; 2) provide a forum for proposals to discuss
industry standard-based compatibility among digital photography equipment,
software, storage and recording devices; and 3) provide an opportunity
for technical networking.
Longer-term goals are to support efforts to develop a compatibility
specification that addresses file formats, connectivity requirements and
suggestions, and includes a metadata format that enables transferable,
compatible slideshows and collections. Additional goals are to identify
and study use-cases for connecting digital cameras to compatible devices
and software, and help participating companies greatly improve user experiences
of their products.
Opening Keynote,
“ Customer-Driven
Innovation in the World
CE,” presented an
overview of how Best
Buy, the nation’s
CE retailer, adjusts it’s
business to serve
Closing reception at the
end of the two-day
symposium provided one
opportunity for
Photo Highlights: Optical
Storage Symposium 2004
joint OSTA/CEA session, “Blue Laser Goes to Market,” addressed
the challenges of transitioning to next-generation DVD technologies
from the retailer’s and distributor’s perspective. Perry
Solomon, Aleratec, moderated the panel, which included Mike Shelton,
Senior Director, Business Development, Ingram Micro, Inc. ; Gary Larson,
Sales Manager, Century Stereo, and John Tonthat, General Manager, Direct
Marketer and Retail Business Unit, Bell Microproducts, Inc.
Lee, OSTA Chairman, welcomes attendees at “Digital Imaging’s
Drive into the Digital Home,” an insightful panel moderated
by Phillipe Cassereau, Engineer-ing VP for Roxio, with panelists
including Rajeev Mishra, Epson, Michael Stelts, Thomson, Inc., Christopher
Wu, Snapfish, William Queen, Zoran Corp. and Tom Berarducci, Eastman
Kodak Company, exchanging views on whether consumers are likely to
view digital images on TV, and how they will establish connectivity
between digital imaging devices and other CE devices in the home.
19925 Stevens Creek
Blvd. Cupertino,
CA 95014 USA
David Bunzel
(408) 253-3695
253-9938 FAX dbunzel@osta.org
Visit OSTA on the
Web at www.osta.org
Newsletter Editor
Jan Johnson
Multipath Comms.
The Horizon
By David Bunzel
Optical Storage Technology Association
behalf of the Optical Storage Technology Association, and its member
and associate companies from around the world, I am pleased to welcome
you to another informative edition of Optical Storage News.
very pleased with the efforts on a variety of areas that are underway
throughout OSTA to develop specifications to improve compatibility,
as shown by the numerous activities underway by our MPV Committee,
develop tests to support archival storage on optical disc, and help
spread the word about next-generation technologies like nano-optics
and how it can be applied to optical storage. The organization is aggressively
moving forward with multiple initiatives, general industry evangelism,
and goodwill efforts to proactively promote the worldwide utilization
and manufacture of these technologies.
OSTA encourages you to provide the organization with any feedback you
may have regarding this newsletter. I also would like to invite interested
industry participants to attend our next quarterly meeting. For more
information on membership or the organization’s activities, visit
the OSTA Web site at www.osta.org,
or contact Debbie Maguire, OSTA Administrator, at (408) 253-3695 or
at debbieostaorg.
Warmest regards,
David Bunzel
Optical Storage
Technology Association